How do I get a price quote?

Simply fill in our Quote Request form or e-mailelectronic copy of your document(s).

We will respond within 1 hour with a quote and details. (usually much sooner).

How do I pay?

We accept payment through all major credit cards, PayPal, check, money order and cash.

What is the turn around time?

Our typical service time is around 2-3 business days depending on volume.

Do you guarantee the lowest prices in the industry?

We cannot guarantee competing rates and quotes. But we can guarantee that there are NO hidden costs involved in our quotation.

Which types of documents that CBS translates?

CBS translates virtually all types of documents. Whether highly technical or very general, CBS will provide the highest translation quality possible by matching translators specializing in the subject area of your document with your text.

Note: CBS reserves the right to refuse to any text considered to be morally objectionable or illegal in nature.

What is the CBS guarantee?

We stand by our work. We offer a money-back guarantee acceptance by the U.S. government or other official institutions of our certified translations.

If needed, we will communicate with the agency that our translation submitted in order to satisfy questions or needs further details. We would do it at no extra charge to you.

CBS guarantees the translation you receive to be of the highest quality. If you have any problem with our work, we will be happy to discuss with you any corrections needed, at no extra cost.

What is Certified translation vs. Standard translation?

CBS’ certified translations go through set of translation checks and proofreading to guarantee accuracy.

Our work is guaranteed to meet all requirements for certified translations demanded by all major government agencies.

We deliver our translations on CBS specific templates that correspond to the U.S. and international definitions of certified translation.

Our translations include page layout work (mirror image of the source document), appropriate stamps, CBS corporate certification and final notarization.

What is the process to obtain a certified translation?

The process consists of 3 parts:

1) To obtain an estimate, submit a copy of your documents to be translated:

You may send as scanned image or clear photograph via email attachments to: [email protected]

2) We will send you our work for final approval:

We request you to review before signature process. Upon your approval, final translation goes to certification and notarization process and will be ready for office pick up or we send to your address by Regular USPS mail. Express mail is optional at additional charge.

3) Payment:

We request payment during pick up or prior to mailing.

Are my documents archived?

Yes. By law, we are required to do so. We archive electronic copy of all translated materials in the event an agency that your translation is submitted requests to verify if submitted translation and document matches.

We do not do paper archiving. If you ever need a certified copy of your translation again, let us know and we will process the request in same business day.

Do I need a certified translation?

Yes. If you are applying for any type of visa / passport / green card or virtually any matter at all with the USCIS (formerly known as the INS) or State Department, chances are you need a fully certified translation of any foreign documents.

Likewise, for recognition of legal/medical diplomas and school transcripts, certified translations are always the safest guarantee of acceptance.

Always check with the institution you are submitting your documents to for determining which documents need certification.

Do I need to send in my original documents?

No. There is no need to send or bring your original documents.

We can issue certified translation based on good quality scanned images or clear photographed documents.

We don’t need to see the originals to perform our work as our job is not to verify the authenticity of your document.

What security features does CBS implement?

CBS securely archives all of your documents on non-internet accessible workstations. Your documents that are received for a quote, but not followed with an order to be translated, will be deleted after 30 days.

We will never divulge any information related to you or your documents to any third party.

Our payment methods also use secure gateway banking systems for processing of credit card numbers, which are never saved by CBS.

Each day we’re helping more people.

Contact us today for your translation needs.